Google+ The Geeks Menagerie: November 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

RPG scores, gaming continues and comics!

Alright, here we go again, on black Friday my wife decided we needed to go shopping. For once shopping paid off for me. Headed out to Half price books and scored some sweet books. First off I found 3 copies of the AD&D Dungeon Masters guides, of which I grabbed the best looking copy.(stock photo from
My original book was falling apart at the spine so I was happy to replace it. Next up is an RPG that I have played a couple times but never own a copy of the book. Earth Dawn 2nd edition: Brand new HC, this game is alot of fun, I highly recommend trying it out.

Moving on from those sweet acquisitions we move over to the world of comics. I was shocked to find a brand new never opened copy of  Marv Wolfman / George Perez's New Teen Titans: Games Hard Cover.

This is a beautiful book with one of the coolest Titan stories ever told, plus I picked it up for $10. If you have a local half price books or used book store, you should check them out. You never know what you can find. Along with the above I also found a few comics:

X-factor # 7 (vol. 1)
The Green Lantern Corps # 223

The Mighty Thor # 396
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! # 5, 7, 17, 18, 19, 22 (marvel 1982)
Classic X-men # 4-6, 10-13, 23

In other news on the gaming front, plans for the January Game event are slowly moving forward. I've got a few people lined up to GM/DM a few games, now im just looking for more people to attend as players. hehe a work in progress =) Also, I will be continuing my current 4th edition D&D game based in my Home Brew world of Cal'Thel. Quinn (a knight of Kalamar) and Bayard (a war cleric) are brothers on an adventure to safe guard their families lands. A friend of mine is DM and has been running our little adventure every couple months for a year or so now. It is very cool to be playing characters in the world i've been building on for over 20 years now..

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Star Wars the Old Republic - Beta weekend!

Since the NDA was lifted a while ago, I decided to talk about the game a bit while I wait for a server to let me in game. =) I was apart of the 3rd beta weekend a couple weeks ago and have been in this weekends beta since Friday morning. Server crowding is to be expected, especially on a Saturday afternoon, but all in all the wait times havent been to bad. Plus I have made 5 characters each on a different server.
Jedi Counselor
Jedi Knight - Sentinel
Bounty Hunter
Sith Warrior
Republic Trooper

I think I'm going to try some crafting tonight if I get on a server! lol It has been alot of fun so far, the guild im in "The Order of 66" had a great showing on the Cosmic Turbine server. I believe we had at least 23 guild members on last night

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New books, upcoming plans and a D&D update!

So its been a little while since I posted last, but I've been a bit busy of late. I have picked up a few RPG books, including a D6 Star wars Source book in great condition. You have to love Half Price Book stores there awesome! Also Palladium books had a sale going a couple weeks back so I got for of the After the bomb titles (T.M.N.T)(pics below)

On the D&D front I have a couple snap shots of my 1st ed. AD&D and 4th ed. D&D players hand books that I made for my world Of Cal'Thel. More on Cal'Thel yet to come, hopefully I'll get some more time to work on it over the next couple months now that winter is moving in.

Just the contents pages for now, but at least you get an idea of the books layout. On another note I am in the early stages of putting together a one day RPG with multiple games and rotating GM's (or DM's depending) so keep an eye out for more updates on that bad boy.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Comics and more comics..why is my wallet empty?

So I finally cleared out my folder at the comic shop today, heres a list of what was there:
Usagi Yojimbo #141
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3
Aquaman #2
Doctor Solar- Man of the Atom #7 + 8
GI Joe - A Real American Hero #171
Green Lantern New Guardians #2
Red Lanterns #3
New Mutants #32 + 33
Justice League International #3
Green Arrow #3 (new series)
Green Arrow #14 + 15 (last series)
Star wars Invasion -Revelations #4
Green Lantern Corps #2
Nightwing #2
Green Lantern #2
Demon Knights #2
Batman #2
Batman #712 + 713 (last series)

Now I just have to find time to read everything! On a side note, I have thinking about digital comics and what devices to read them on. The obvious choice would be an Ipad, but I dont want to spend $600 to read comics a book or two and surf the web. I have been debating the Kindle fire mainly for the kindle books android app use and pdf reader. Still debating, what do you use to read digital comics?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Usagi Yojimbo #141

New and out today is Usagi #141, the 200 actual issue of the book. Go buy it! Check out Mr. Sakia's live journal post here