Google+ The Geeks Menagerie: Buckaroo Banzai Adventures Pre-Order

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Buckaroo Banzai Adventures Pre-Order

Adamant Entertainment, in association with the Banzai Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Strategic Information, proudly offers this exclusive pre-order for the Buckaroo Banzai Adventure Game — a training manual for Blue Blaze Irregulars which uses the format of a tabletop role-playing game in order to prepare BBI recruits for the sorts of situations in which they may find themselves while aiding Buckaroo. The training manual will feature guidelines for taking on the roles of either your own Blue Blaze Irregular Strike Team, or the roles of Dr. Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers themselves. Familiarize yourselves with global threats ranging from Red Lectroids from Planet 10 to Hanoi Xan and the World Crime League; Learn about the specialized equipment available from the Banzai Institute, such as the Oscillation Overthruster and the Jet Car; And begin to embrace the motto of the Blue Blaze Irregulars: “Helping him to help us.”

The game will ship in the Fall of 2012 — this pre-order entitles customers to:

The hardcover final print version of the Adventure Game.
The PDF when the file is sent to the printers.
Your name listed as a Blue Blaze Irregular in the credits.
An official Blue Blaze Irregular identification card.
A special pre-order-exclusive PDF adventure.

The Blue Blaze Pre-Order of the BUCKAROO BANZAIADVENTURE GAME is available for $44.95 plus $7.95 shipping and handling.

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