Google+ The Geeks Menagerie: Tower Project - Part 3

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tower Project - Part 3

Part 3 - Well I've finished the tower down to its base painted form, next up is the detail painting. The following shows the steps leading up to painting.

The tower nears completion with the addition of the entryway to the base of the tower and then applying the sheet rock spackling/patching compound.

Here is a close-up shot of one of the tower windows before it was sanded. 

Now sanded, I sprayed the tower with a grey primer. As you can tell, I didnt spend as much time on the patching compound as I had first wanted. After seeing how some of the low spots made the tower look more distressed, I wanted to see how it would look after it was painted. These flaws (hopefully) will be painted a different shade to give the tower more character.

This is a bad picture but it does highlight the distressed surface of the tower. Coming Up next in part 4, I will show you the progress on detail painting. 

Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cute. It's something that can be displayed on art exhibits and will surely catch attention. It is simple but adorable.