Google+ The Geeks Menagerie: Week of January 9th- New comics

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Week of January 9th- New comics

Rather a light week, but i did find a couple cool additions for my collection. First up:

Green Lantern Corps #20

Dark Horse:
Starwars: Legacy #0 1/2
Starwars: Legacy #18

As for the new cool stuff, I scanned the new comics section at my LCS and found two new books I have been looking forward to reading. Both are from Dark Horse comics:

Savage Sword of Conan Volume One: I was a little skeptical when I read about this book in previews, but after picking it up I was surprised. It's a great collection of early 70's Conan stories set up in an Essentials format. hmmm.. I mean over sized Omnibus. =)

The End League #1: I read the preview on the Dark Horse web site and it looked pretty cool. So I will read it and let you know what I think.

I also picked up the new Justice League (series 7)action figure of John Stewert. It's freakin sweet!

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